Red Orange Citrus Pollicino

Arance Pollicino

Red pulp variety

Orange Moro, Orange Tarocco, Orange Sanguinello

The color of the juice is sanguine due to the presence of anthocyanins (natural pigments) in the pulp and peel. The juice yield is high and the flavor very pleasant and slightly acidic.
We produce, pack and market:
- Orange Moro
- Orange Tarocco
- Orange Sanguinello

Arance Pollicino

Orange Citrus Moro


Originally from the Lentini area and now widespread in the areas of Catania and Syracuse, this cultivar is the first to ripen among blood oranges: it is possible to taste it from early December to mid-March.
It is of medium caliber with a shape between spherical and oval; the peel is orange with vinous red nuances; the pulp, without seeds, is entirely dark red, especially when ripe. The color of the juice is sanguine due to the presence of anthocyanins (natural pigments) in the pulp and peel.
The juice yield is high and the flavor very pleasant and slightly acidic. The following clones are allowed for cultivation: Moro comune, Moro di Lentini, Moro nucellar 58-8D-1.

Arance Pollicino

Orange Citrus Tarocco


It is thought to arise from a bud mutation of the municipality of Sanguinello discovered in a citrus grove in Francofonte (Syracuse) at the end of the nineteenth century. The ripening in the hilly and better exposed soils begins in mid-December and ends, in late areas, in mid-May.
The fruits are large in size with a spherical shape tending to oval. This variety is also distinguished by the so-called collar or "snout", more or less prominent. The color of the peel is yellow-orange, reddened on half of the surface.
The pulp, without seeds, is orange yellow, with more or less intense reddish pigmentations depending on the time of harvest, medium juicy and with an excellent flavor. The following clones are allowed to be cultivated: .Tarocco comune, Tarocco Galici, Tarocco gallo, Tarocco dal muso, Tarocco nucellare 57-1E-1 e 61-1E-4, Tarocco Catania e Tarocco Scirè.

Arance Pollicino

Orange Citrus Sanguinello


The Sanguinello variety has been present for a long time in the orange-growing areas of the provinces of Catania and Syracuse. Together with Sanguinello moscato, it is the most important Italian mid-season cultivar: in fact the ripening begins in February but the bulk of the harvest takes place between March and April. The fruits are of medium size with an oblong or spherical shape; the peel is an intense orange color with red hues. The pulp, almost seedless, is orange in color with numerous bloody streaks, very juicy and with an excellent flavor. The following clones are allowed for cultivation: Sanguinello cumune, Sanguinello moscato, Sanguinello moscato nucellare 49-5-3 e 49-5-5, Sanguinello moscato Cuscanà.

Arance Pollicino


Via Abruzzo, 12 - 96016 Lentini Sr
Tel. 095 901083
